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Our Solutions
We make your job easier

Stock Tracking
Maximise used car profitability and marketing return on investment with real time analysis of profitability, quality of advertising, performance on 3rd party listing platforms and enquiry levels on every used car in stock. Profile your most and least profitable used cars and build a profile of ideal stock to buy, as well as identify the most cost effective channels for marketing different categories of used cars.
Featuring Ireland's only integration with Carzone for live pricing, we are also integrated with the main DMS providers, Keyloop (formerly CDK) and AutoView providing automatic integration with your stock. Further integrations with 3rd party publishers SkupeNet, Carzone, DoneDeal, CarsIreland and Appraisee means that we can enrich your data unlike any other provider and empower your dealership team to maximise profit and customer satisfaction.

WhatsApp Campaigns
Send bulk database communications to your customers using the world's most popular messaging application - WhatsApp!
Cheaper to send than SMS campaigns, with interactive media types including video, customisable content per customer and optional chatbot responses, we have changed database marketing forever and taken your customer communications to the next level!
Consulting & Managed Services
With director level experience from 12 years in marketing for one of Ireland's leading motor retail groups we can provide unique insights and help across a broad spectrum of business areas. Specialising in marketing and system integrations, we are happy to chat through your requirements at any time.
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